

Read through our FAQ to get the information you need to know as a property investor in Bali.

Welcome to our comprehensive FAQ section, designed to provide you with the essential knowledge on all aspects of Bali real estate and property ownership. This resource is meticulously crafted to address common inquiries and provide clarity on navigating the vibrant property market in Bali, ensuring you are well-informed at every step of your investment journey.

Understanding the nuances of property acquisition in Bali is crucial, especially for foreign investors. While direct ownership, known as Freehold (Hak Milik), is exclusive to Indonesian citizens, foreigners have the opportunity to engage in leasehold agreements or secure a Hak Pakai (right to use) title, which is often derived from converting a freehold title. Here, we delve into the differences between these types of ownership, highlighting their benefits and limitations to help you make the best decision for your investment needs.

Securing your investment is paramount, and we emphasize the importance of due diligence and legal compliance. Consulting with reputable real estate professionals and legal advisors who are well-versed in Balinese property laws can safeguard your interests. We offer insights into ensuring your investment’s security, including tips on due diligence practices.

Tax obligations are an integral part of property ownership in Bali. From property taxes to income tax on rental earnings, understanding your fiscal responsibilities is essential. This section outlines the key tax implications and provides guidance on efficient tax planning and compliance for property owners.

The potential to generate rental income from your Bali property is significant. We explore the legal framework for renting out your property, including the necessary permits and tax considerations, to ensure you can capitalize on your investment while adhering to local regulations.

For those keen on keeping abreast of the latest trends in Bali’s real estate market, we highlight the importance of informed investment decisions. Through analysis of market trends and identification of areas with high investment potential, we aim to equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate the market confidently.

Our FAQ section aims to equip you with a foundational understanding of Bali real estate and property ownership, setting the stage for a successful investment journey. For further information and personalized advice, we invite you to reach out to our expert team.

Owning Land & Property in Bali

What are the steps involved in purchasing property in Amed, Bali?
The general steps include:
  • Researching and selecting a property.
  • Negotiating terms and price.
  • Conducting due diligence to check property legality and encumbrances.
  • Signing a sales and purchase agreement (Akta Jual Beli) or lease agreement.
  • Transferring payment.
  • Updating the property title under the new ownership or leaseholder’s name.
What are the types of property ownership available in Bali?
In Indonesia, there are several types of property ownership: Freehold (Hak Milik), which is only available to Indonesian citizens; Leasehold (Hak Sewa) for both foreigners and locals; and Hak Pakai (Right to Use) that foreigners can obtain under their name.
How does one conduct due diligence when buying property in Amed, Bali?
Due diligence involves verifying the legal status of the property, ensuring there are no disputes or liens against the property, checking building permits (IMB), and ensuring the property’s zoning aligns with your intended use. It’s advisable to hire a legal expert familiar with Indonesian property law.
What should I be cautious of when buying property in Amed, Bali?
Be wary of deals that seem too good to be true, incomplete or missing property documentation, unclear property boundaries, and unresolved land disputes. Always verify the seller’s right to sell the property and ensure that all agreements are clearly documented and legally binding.
What is the process and timeframe for buying land in Bali?

The process and timeframe for buying land in Bali can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the location, the type of land, the ownership structure, and the specific regulations and requirements involved. Once you have found the land you want the land transfer process takes about a month.

  1. Inspection and due diligence (2 weeks)Contracts (1 week)Money transfer (1 week)
  2. Timeframes can vary for many reasons, but the above timeline is a fair representation.

What are the costs associated with buying a villa and leasing land in Bali?

The costs of buying a villa and leasing land in Bali can vary depending on factors such as the location, size, and condition of the property, as well as the terms of the lease and the fees charged by agents and lawyers. Generally speaking, you can expect to pay the following costs:

  • Purchase price of the villa: Initial capital outlay for your villa.Leasehold fees: This includes the cost of the lease, which can vary depending on the location and size of the land, as well as any renewal fees and taxes. A typical leasehold fee is around 10-15% of the purchase price per year.Legal fees: You will likely need to hire a lawyer to assist with due diligence, drafting contracts, and registering the property, which can cost around 1-2% of the purchase price.

What is the process of setting up a foreign investment PT.PMA company?
  1. The first step in setting up a PT.PMA business is to determine your business activities and the type of company structure you require. This will involve choosing a business name and identifying the shareholders, directors, and commissioners of the company.
  2. Obtain a Tax Identification Number (NPWP). To obtain a Tax Identification Number (NPWP) for your company, you will need to register with the tax authorities in Indonesia. This will involve submitting a range of documents, including your business plan, company registration documents, and other supporting materials.
  3. Secure your Business License and Company Registration.
    1. Once you have your NPWP, you will need to secure a business license and register your company with the relevant authorities in Bali. This will involve submitting a range of documents, including your articles of association, shareholder agreements, and other supporting materials.
  4. Setup a business bank account in Indonesia and deposit the minimum paid-up capital.
  5. Obtain other necessary permits and licenses.

Depending on the nature of your business activities, you may need to obtain other permits and licenses from various government agencies in Bali. These may include licenses related to construction, environmental impact, or other regulatory requirements.

The approximate costs of setting up a PT.PMA business in Bali can vary widely depending on a range of factors such as the nature of your business activities, the size of your company, and the complexity of the regulatory requirements. A simple company setup is approximately $2,500 and takes around two weeks to complete incorporation.

How long can I lease land in Bali?

The terms of leasing land in Bali are agreed between the land owner and the individual or party interested in leasing the property. A typical lease will last from 25-30 years, however, some leases are as short as 20 years, while others can be longer than 40 years. The figures refer to the initial lease.

The lease contract will normally permit the leaseholder to extend the lease for a similar period to the initial lease, however, the price will reflect the updated market value of the land at the time of the renewal.

Can a foreigner legally own a Villa & Land in Amed, Bali?

Foreigners are allowed to own villas and land in Bali through a leasehold or a Right-to-Use (Hak Pakai) agreement, as owning land in Indonesia is restricted to Indonesian citizens and Indonesian legal entities.

A leasehold agreement grants the foreigner the right to use the land and villa for a certain period of time, typically up to 25 years, with an option to renew the leasehold agreement. A Right-to-Use agreement grants the foreigner the right to use the land and villa for up to 80 years, which is a longer term than a leasehold agreement.

Glossary (commonly used words)

  1. PT.PMA – Foreign-owned investment companyNPWP – Tax Identification NumberIMB -IMB (Izin Mendirikan Bangunan) is a building permit.Pondok Wisata – License to rent your villa out to tourists.Notaris – An official responsible for drafting and authenticating lease & legal agreementsBPHTB – Land and Building Acquisition TaxHak Malik – FreeholdGreen zone – Cannot build onYellow zone – legal to build on.Hak Pakai – LeaseholdAre – Unit of measure predominantly used in Indonesia. 1 are = 100sqm’sIDR – Currency used in Bali. 15,250 IDR = $1

What are the tax implications of buying a villa and leasing land in Bali?

When buying a villa and leasing land in Bali, there are several taxes and fees that you may need to pay, including:

  • Value-Added Tax (VAT): This is a tax imposed on the sale of new properties and is typically around 10% of the purchase price. However, if the seller is not a taxpayer or does not have a VAT ID number, the tax rate is increased to 20%.Land and Building Acquisition Tax (BPHTB): This is a tax on the transfer of ownership of land and buildings and is typically calculated based on the sales price or the assessed value of the property, whichever is higher. The tax rate varies depending on the location and value of the property but can range from 1% to 5%.Notary and Land Deed Fees: You will need to pay fees to the notary for drafting and registering the land deed, which is typically around 1% of the sales price.Legal Fees: You will need to hire a lawyer to assist with due diligence, drafting contracts, and register the property, which can cost around 1-2% of the purchase price.Rental Income Tax: If you plan to rent out the villa, you will need to pay income tax on the rental income. The tax rate varies depending on your residency status and can range from 5% to 30%.
  • It is important to note that taxes and fees can change over time, and the above information is accurate as of 2023. We recommend consulting with a qualified tax advisor or lawyer to get up-to-date information on tax implications when buying a villa and leasing land. Please Contact Us for more information on this subject

What is the likely return on investment (ROI)

The return of investment is around 7 years. This is a conservative estimate based on the current real estate market in Amed. However as land and property prices are on the increase, buying a villa in Amed before prices explode gives you the best chance to generate outsized returns on your investment.

Is buying a villa in Bali a safe investment
Investing in a Bali real estate is a safe investment providing you understand the property ownership laws of Indonesia. Making sure your property is built by following land title and land zoning laws will secure your investment capital.
Do you offer rental management services?

Our property management services cover everything from maintenance to rental bookings. We offer a complete villa management solution along with monthly reporting and tax accounting assistance.

How much does a 3-bed luxury villa in Amed cost?

For a luxury, 3-bed pool villa, investors can buy a home in Amed for around USD$249,000. The cost of buying a villa in Amed is considerably cheaper than a like-for-like property in Seminyak, Sanur or Canggu.

Is buying a villa in Amed a good investment?

The real estate market in Amed is entering the early stages of a property boom. Land and property prices are currently low compared to the more established areas in the Southern part of Bali. Property investors are looking to profit from low prices in Amed as they anticipate significant land and property value appreciation.

What are the long-term considerations for owning property in Amed, Bali?
Consider the leasehold period if applicable, as you may need to renegotiate or extend the lease. Be aware of the environmental and community impact of your property, maintaining good relationships with local communities. Also, consider future property market trends and regulations that may affect property values and rental potential.
How can I ensure my investment is secure?
Hire a reputable legal advisor to guide you through the purchase process, conduct thorough due diligence, and ensure all documents are in order. Consider purchasing insurance for your property and maintain it well to preserve its value.

Renting Your Villa In Bali

How can I maximize the ROI of my investment in a holiday villa in Amed, Bali?

Maximizing ROI involves factors such as strategic marketing, property maintenance, offering unique guest experiences, optimizing rental rates, and staying informed about market trends and guest preferences. Engaging with a reputable property management company can also help streamline operations and enhance profitability.

What are the trends in property appreciation for holiday villas in Amed, Bali?

Amed has shown promising property appreciation trends in recent years, fueled by its natural beauty, tranquil atmosphere, and growing popularity among tourists and investors alike.

Can I expect consistent rental income from a holiday villa investment in Amed, Bali?

While rental income can be relatively consistent, it may fluctuate seasonally and depend on factors such as marketing efforts, competition, and economic conditions.

Are there specific seasons or times of the year that yield higher ROI for villa investments in Amed?

High tourist seasons, typically during the dry season from April to October, tend to yield higher ROI as demand for accommodations increases.

What is the average return on investment (ROI) for holiday villas in Amed, Bali?

The average ROI for holiday villas in Amed, Bali typically ranges from 7% to 20% per annum.

What factors determine the ROI of a holiday home in Amed, Bali?

Factors such as location, property condition, amenities, marketing strategies, and tourism trends can significantly influence the ROI of holiday villas in Amed.

Do I need to pay Property Taxes

If you want to rent your villa then you must pay tax on the income. To declare income taxes you will need to apply for a ‘Pondok Wisata’ and tax ID. Our team of tax and legal experts will help you with all these matters.

How can I market my property effectively to tourists?
  • Online Platforms: Use popular vacation rental platforms like Airbnb, Booking.com, or VRBO. Ensure your listing has high-quality photos and detailed descriptions.
  • Social Media & Website: Create a dedicated website or social media page for your property to attract direct bookings.
What should I know about cultural sensitivities and local customs?
  • Respect Local Traditions: Educate your guests about local customs, dress codes, and traditions to ensure respectful interaction with the community.
  • Environmental Considerations: Encourage eco-friendly practices among your guests, given Bali’s focus on environmental sustainability.
What legal requirements must I fulfill to rent my property to tourists in Amed, Bali?
  • Permits: Ensure you have the correct permits and licenses for short-term rentals. This may include a Pondok Wisata license for renting out residential properties to tourists.
  • Taxes: Register with the local tax office and understand your obligations regarding income and tourist taxes. You may need to charge and remit taxes on your rental income.
  • Zoning Laws: Verify that your property is in a zone where short-term rentals are allowed.
What kind of insurance should I have?
  • Property Insurance: Ensure your insurance covers rental activities. This may include property damage and liability insurance to protect against accidents or injuries on your property.
  • Additional Coverage: Consider additional coverage for natural disasters, as Bali can experience earthquakes and volcanic activity.
Can I rent out my property in Amed to tourists?
Yes, you can rent out your property, but you must comply with local regulations. This includes obtaining a Pondok Wisata license for rental properties, which allows you to legally rent out your property on a short-term basis to tourists.
How should I set the price for my rental property?
  • Market Research: Look at comparable properties in Amed to set competitive rates. Consider factors like location, amenities, property size, and seasonality.
  • Dynamic Pricing: Use dynamic pricing tools to adjust your rates based on demand, especially during peak tourist seasons in Bali.
How do I manage my property and ensure a great guest experience?
  • Property Management: Consider hiring a property management company if you’re not locally based or prefer hands-off management.
  • Communication: Be responsive to guest inquiries and provide clear instructions for check-in and check-out processes.
  • Maintenance and Cleanliness: Regularly maintain and clean your property to ensure it meets guest expectations.
What amenities and services should I provide to my guests?
  • Essentials: Provide basic amenities such as Wi-Fi, clean linens, towels, and toiletries.
  • Local Experiences: Offer or suggest local experiences unique to Amed, such as diving tours, cooking classes, or cultural tours.
  • Transportation: Consider offering airport transfers or information on local transportation options.
How much does villa management cost?

The price varies depending on the level of service you require. Basic management service starts form 15% scaling up to 30% depending on the level of service you require.

What does your villa management service include?
Our villa management service is completely customized. If you have your own staff we can assist you on the admin side. Our more comprehensise service would include:
  • Listing on all booking websites
  • Monitor prices in the local area and dynamic price accordingly.
  • Liaise with guests and handle any questions
  • Organise calendar to optimise occupancy.
  • Payments and bookings handled and nett-monies are sent directly to you.
  • Liaise with guests post stay to make sure reviews are 5*.
  • Full maintenance, cleaning, gardening and regular inspections. These are to name a few, please ask for more information.
How much does villa management cost?
The price varies depending on the level of service you require. Basic management service starts form 15% scaling up to 30% depending on the level of service you require.
What does your villa management service include?

Our villa management service is completely customized. If you have your own staff we can assist you on the admin side. Our more comprehensise service would include:

  • Listing on all booking websites
  • Monitor prices in the local area and dynamic price accordingly.
  • Liaise with guests and handle any questions
  • Organise calendar to optimise occupancy.
  • Payments and bookings handled and nett-monies are sent directly to you.
  • Liaise with guests post stay to make sure reviews are 5*.
  • Full maintenance, cleaning, gardening and regular inspections. These are to name a few, please ask for more information.
Do you offer rental management services?

Our property management services cover everything from maintenance to rental bookings. We offer a complete villa management solution along with monthly reporting and tax accounting assistance.

How do I handle guest disputes or damages?
  • Clear Policies: Have clear rental agreements and house rules in place to manage expectations.
  • Security Deposit: Consider requiring a security deposit to cover potential damages.
  • Mediation: Be prepared to mediate disputes amicably and professionally, using your rental platform’s resolution center if necessary.
Do I need to pay Property Taxes
If you want to rent your villa then you must pay tax on the income. To declare income taxes you will need to apply for a ‘Pondok Wisata’ and tax ID. Our team of tax and legal experts will help you with all these matters.

All About Vesica Villas

Can you arrange a property lawyer to help me?

Yes, we will connect you with a highly competent team of legal professionals. The team will take care of all legal matters from land due diligence to visa and business applications.

What is the likely return on investment (ROI)

The return of investment is around 7 years. This is a conservative estimate based on the current real estate market in Amed. However as land and property prices are on the increase, buying a villa in Amed before prices explode gives you the best chance to generate outsized returns on your investment.

Can you arrange a property lawyer to help me?
Yes, we will connect you with a highly competent team of legal professionals. The team will take care of all legal matters from land due diligence to visa and business applications.
Do you offer rental management services?

Our property management services cover everything from maintenance to rental bookings. We offer a complete villa management solution along with monthly reporting and tax accounting assistance.

How much does a 3-bed luxury villa in Amed cost?

For a luxury, 3-bed pool villa, investors can buy a home in Amed for around USD$249,000. The cost of buying a villa in Amed is considerably cheaper than a like-for-like property in Seminyak, Sanur or Canggu.

Are your villas sold off-plan?

Our show home is under construction. Off-plan plots can be reserved. We build luxury villas of western quality and modern design. All our villas are built in prime locations of Amed and utilize both indoor and outdoor living spaces.

How can I research potential property investment opportunities in Amed?
You can engage local real estate agents, attend property exhibitions, and conduct online research. We also have a comprehensive investors prospectus available on request. Simply fill in the brochure form by clicking the link below

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Click on the link below to schedule a Call Back from our Bali based property experts. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have relating to owning and managing a property in Bali.

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