
KITAS Bali: How to Get A KITAS Visa in Bali

The most secure way of owning land and property in Bali will require you to obtain a visa as a company or as a long-term resident.

Foreigners looking to stay in Bali as a long-term resident must apply for a visa known as KITAS Indonesia. Foreigners looking to run a business must also apply for a business KITAS under the forming of a PT PMA company.

Understanding the kind of KITAS you need and the process to apply is detailed in this article.

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What is a KITAS in Bali?

A KITAS Bali visa is a limited stay permit granted by the Indonesian government to foreigners who want to stay in Indonesia for more than two months. 

The duration of a KITAS can range from six months to five years. It is a legal requirement in Indonesia that allows a you to legally stay, work and invest in the country.

A KITAS visa provides you with an Indonesian identity card (KTP), allowing you to access various rights and benefits as an Indonesian resident.  As a KITAS holder you can benefit from preferential price discounts such as discounts on health care and tourist attractions.

Different types of KITAS

There are a number of KITAS categories available for foreigners. Each different type of KITAS in Bali has its own criteria and permissions of stay.  For example, a working KITAS provides a foreigner Wirth the legal right to work. Whereas under a retirement visa the foreigner is strictly prohibited to work in Bali.

KITAS for buying land and property

If you are looking to buy land or property in Bali then the safest way of securing your investment is by obtaining a KITAS specific to your needs. Later in this article we will discuss the KITAS requirement for certain land titles that are highly recommended as a way of securing there ownership of land and property.

Work Visa KITAS - (C312)

A working KITAS is granted for foreigners who work for an Indonesian based company. The company has to obtain a work permit and sponsor you to work. If the main KITAS holder is living with his or her family in Bali, then a Family KITAS can be applied for. 

The Family KITAS is attached to the main working KITAS and provides the family members with a legal length of stay to match the main KITAS holder. Under a Family KITAS, family members other than the main KITAS holder are prohibited to work.

Foreign Investment Company - (PMA C314)

To operate a business in Bali, a foreigner will need to register a foreign-owned PT PMA company. Under a PT PMA company, you can apply for a KITAS that will legally cover the stay of you and your family.

The safest way of buying property in Bali is through a foreign-owned PMA company.

By owning the business you can secure the land title rights under the company name. In this case you would have full control over the land over the duration of the lease. Under a business KITAS you can also apply for Indonesian healthcare that will cover you and your family for the duration of stay.

Setting up a foreign-owned PT PMA company is a straightforward process. There are many legal notary companies providing this service. You would expect to pay in the region of IDR 15 million – IDR 20 million to incorporate your PT PMA company. There are a number of requirements that need to be met as part of the incorporation process. We recommend that you speak to a legal notaris for the information relevant to your situation.

Retirement KITAS – (C319)

The Retirement KITAS Bali is open to foreigners over the age of 55 years old. To qualify for this KITAS applicants must provide the following as part of the KITAS application process;

  • Proof of monthly income greater than US$1,500
  • Comprehensive healthcare
  • Property rental agreement OR
  • Proof or residence
  • Employ an assistant (house staff)

Application approvals take between 2-4 weeks. The process is relatively straightforward and costs around US$1,000.

Student Visa KITAS – (C316)

The Student visa KITAS in most cases are supplied through sponsorship of an Indonesian learning centre.

The process starts with an application to MNERI – Ministry of National Education of Republic of Indonesia. Applicants are required to submit the following as part of the application process;

  • Acceptance letter from the Indonesian learning centre you wish to attend
  • Certificate of Diploma/Qualifications
  • Copy of parents passports
  • Letter of financial responsibility from the student’s parents
  • Proof of comprehensive healthcare during the KITAS term

Second Home KITAS (B211A)

The Second Home KITAS is for foreigners who plan to stay indefinitely and pay into the Indonesian economy. If successful, you will be eligible for residency for 5-10 years. Requirements for this visa dictate that you either have to have proof of funds equalling to 2 billion Rupiah ($US135,000) or proof of a villa in your name located in Bali. 

How to get a KITAS in Bali

Applying for a KITAS in Bali can be overwhelming at first. However obtaining the necessary documents for your particular visa type and submitting them to the immigration department is fairly straightforward.

If the application process is too much hassle for you, there are many Visa agents in Bali that can help make the application process more straightforward. However, there is a cost to using a visa agent and completing the application by yourself will save you around 30% in application costs.

Take the time on finding a good agent/notaris. Be aware that there are charlatans out there who can make the process a nightmare for you based on their lack of knowledge.

A great tip to find a respected visa agent/notaris would be to go onto local social media community forums and search recommendations for reliable visa agents/notaris.

The whole process based on submitting the correct paperwork should take approximately 2 months. Make sure you leave yourself plenty of time to process your KITAS application to avoid having to leave the country for a short stay exit and re-entry.

Overstaying on your permission to stay will result in a daily fine of IDR 1 million for each overstay day.

Cost of a KITAS visa in Bali

All prices are approximate and may change from writing this. The following information is a general overview of KITAS visa cost. Please bear in mind that every situation has its own nuances. The good thing about the way these things work in Bali is there is always a way to get to the end goal.

Do I need a KITAS to buy property in Bali?

The safest way to buy land and property in Bali is to obtain a land title that provides you with the most security on your investment.

There are two land titles available to foreigners that can provide absolute security. Both of these land titles require some sort of KITAS to facilitate the land title registry.

The Hak Pakai (Right to Use) land title is available for foreign individuals. The land title is intended to be used for residential purposes only. In this case a foreigner can not operate a business from the land or property built on a Hak Pakai land title. To secure your land and property investment you must obtain a residency KITAS.

The Hak Guna Bangunan (Right to Build) land title enables a foreign-owned PT PMA company to buy, build and operate a business from the land.

This is the strongest land title deed available to foreign property investors. The name of the PMA company is printed on the title deeds for the duration of the lease. Full control of the land and property built on it is granted to the land title owner, which in this case in the business and it’s owners. When setting up a PT PMA company, a working KITAS can be issued for a foreigner residing in Bali.

Schedule a Consultation

Schedule a free 30-minute online consultation for more information on how to get the best KITAS as a property investor in Bali. Our Amed based experts will answer your questions on securely how to buy, own and build on land Amed under the most suitbale KITAS category.

Summary on KITAS Bali

Staying in Bali as a long-term resident, business owner or employee of a company requires a special visa known as KITAS. There are many categories of KITAS with each category being specified under a number of conditions.

Making sure that your stay in Bali is legal is important so that you avoid trouble with the immigration police. The law against overstaying on your visa terms is strict and comes with financial penalties and potential time in prison.

When applying for your KITAS it is best to use the services of a reputable visa agent know as a notaris. A good notaris will make sure that your paperwork is in order and that the process through immigration is hassle free.    

The best advice is to spend time on finding a reputable visa agent/notaris. Even if you have to pay a little more, the extra cost will be worth it.

Take note that the laws governing immigration policy are in a constant state of change, so keeping up to date with any new rules can save you from any nasty surprises on the status of your KITAS visa.

Picture of Daniel Hemingway
Daniel Hemingway
Daniel has been involved in property development since 2013. During the past decade his focus has been on buying, renovating, selling and renting single family homes in the London property market. Since the 2019 global pandemic, Daniel has partnered with Richard to focus on developing property in Amed, Bali. In 2023, Vesica Property Developments PT was incorporated where Daniel is responsible for legal and administrative matters allowing Richard to concentrate on operational issues. Daniel currently resides in Hua Hin, Thailand, with his 10 year old son, Sebastien. He remains an avid golfer and spends his time cooking, reading and keeping fit.
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